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Minggu, 12 April 2009

Silica Brick

Silica brick (or Dinas) is a refractory material containing at least 93% SiO2. The raw material is quality rocks. Various grades of silica brick have found extensive use in the iron and steel melting furnaces. In addition to high fusion point multi-type refractories, the other important properties are their high resistance to thermal shock (spalling) and their high refractoriness. It finds typical use in glass making and steel industry.

The outstanding property of silica brick is that it does not begin to soften under high loads until its fusion point is approached. This behaviour contrasts with that of many other refracto­ries, for example alumino silicate materials, which begin to fuse and creep at temperatures con­siderably lower than their fusion points. Other advantages are flux and stag resistance, volume stability and high spalling resistance.

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